Hadoop is a Java-based framework that supports data-intensive distributed applications, enabling applications to work with thousands of processor nodes and petabytes of data. Hadoop是一个基于Java的框架,支持数据密集型的分布式应用程序,使应用程序能够处理数千个处理器节点和PB级的数据。
The Research and Application about Distributed Query Processor on the Grid 网格环境下的分布式查询处理器的研究与应用
EROS: Extensible Routing Software Platform for Distributed Network Processor Unit Based Systems 一种基于分布式网络处理器系统的路由软件平台
This allowed the system to be distributed over multiple processors, either using shared memory directly as in most Mach messages, or by adding code to copy the message to another processor if needed. 这种设计有利于把系统分布到多个处理器之上,既可以像大多数Mach消息那样直接通过共享内存来传递,也可以在必要的时候增加一点代码把消息复制到别的处理器上。
Distributed switching: Switching decisions can be made on a port or line-card level rather than on a central route processor. 分布式交换:在端口上达到比集中交换更快的线速。
Self-diagnosis of distributed multi-bus multi-processor architecture 分布式多总线多处理机结构的自诊断
Then it study the scheduling of distributed parallel operating system specially, that is the algorithm of assigning processor and analyze the existent algorithm of scheduling. 接着专门讨论了分布式并行操作系统中的调度,主要是处理机的分配算法,并对若干种现有的调度算法进行了深入分析。
A relaxation iterative formula is proposed for performance evaluation of distributed common memory multi-bus multiprocessor systems composed of p processor modules and b global buses. 对于由p个处理机模块和b根全局总线组成的分布式公用存贮器型多总线多处理机系统,提出处理效率(PE)的张弛迭代公式。
In this Algorithm, data were averagely partitioned and distributed to all processors, so each processor had the same workload. 在PROJECT-DL算法中,数据被平均划分并分配给所有处理机,因而每个处理机具有相同的工作负载。
A vector cache system and a distributed main store are also considered, which are intended to sustain extremely high access rates for the processor. 此外,为了提供足够高的数据传输率,采用了向量高速缓存及分布式主存储器的方案。
DQP: A Distributed Query Processor on Grid DQP:网格上的一种分布式查询处理器
A Distributed Control System Constructed With IBM PC as a Host Processor 以IBMPc为主处理机构成的分布式控制系统
This paper designed and realized a distributed database system of the urban electromagnetic environment and the distributed query processor in the system. 本文设计和实现了一个分布式的城市电磁环境数据库系统以及系统中的分布式查询处理模块。
After a discussion over the problem of data fusion in a distributed network of multi-sensor processing nodes, the authors have formulated a distributed Kalman filter which has no central processor. 介绍了分布式数据融合和多传感器信息处理节点的网络分布问题,阐述了一个分布式的Kalman滤波器。
This paper firstly discusses inter processor communication mechanism and two factor for network communication delay in distributed application, then proposes inter processor communication intelligent communication agent and implementation technology in distributed S4 system. 本文首先在简单分析了分布式应用中影响网络通信延迟两个因素基础上,提出了分布式S4系统中处理器间智能化通信代理实现策略及实现技术。
Based on the skew cyclic convolution distributed algorithm presented by W. Li [ 1], a 2-dimensional 8 × 8 DCT/ IDCT real-time processor utilizing FPGA has been designed, which can be used for high data rate applications. 在W.Li提出的循环斜卷积分布算法〔1〕的基础上,利用FPGA设计可用于高速数据传输设备的二维8×8DCT/IDCT实时处理器。
The embedded RTOS μ C/ OS-II was repot to EEC controller for the distributed rotor speed control system with the processor of 2407A. 此外还将嵌入式实时操作系统μC/OS-II移植到2407A上,并针对分布式转速控制系统中的EEC控制器进行了多任务设计。
An image disdbutd network system for the large container inspection is presented in this thesis, Its architecture is based on PC and UNIX workstations forming a distributed processor system. 本文介绍用于大型集装箱检测的图像分配网络系统。该系统由多个微机、工作站构成,形成一个计算机分布式处理系统。
Heterogeneous distributed systems have different processors and each processor has different capability and robusticity. 研究了基于异构分布式系统的实时容错调度算法,同构分布式系统中的处理机完全相同,而在异构分布式系统中各个处理机均不相同,各个处理机有不同的处理能力和不同的健壮性。
For distributed real-time system, combining duplication technique and first-fit method, a fault-tolerant scheduling algorithm is presented based on the analysis of the scheduling algorithm for single processor. 针对分布式实时系统,在分析了单处理调度算法的基础上,结合版本复制技术和首次适应方法,给出了一种容错调度算法。
This paper presents a fail-silent fault behavior based on high reliable distributed computer system, and uses two effective ways to reduce the fault detection latency: making use of the limited capability of fault detection of a single processor, and increasing the comparison of task signature state. 提出了一种基于Fail-silent节点故障行为的高可靠分布式计算机系统,提出了减少上述系统节点故障检测延迟的两条有效途径:利用单机有限的故障检测能力和增加任务特征状态比较。
In this paper, FPGA realization scheme of two key modules is elaborated particularly, which are the cascaded FIR filter module based on the parallel distributed algorithm and the high speed parallel iterative FFT processor module based on radix-2-DIF. 在本文中,详细阐述了基于全并行分布式算法的级联型FIR滤波器模块和基2-DIF定点高速并行迭代式FFT处理器模块的FPGA实现方案。
In distributed system, a computing task is often divided into several sub tasks and assigned on different processor in parallel, so as to reduce the task running cycle and improve the sys-tem throughput. 在分布式计算系统中,一个计算任务常常被分成多个子任务,然后将其分配到不同处理器上,通过并行的执行方式,达到减少任务的运行周期以及提高系统的吞吐量的目的。
WSN was constituted by hundreds or thousands of sensor nodes and these nodes are usually randomly distributed in certain circumstance. Each node collects information by its own sensing unit, and transfer information, which is processed by its own processor, to the receiver. 无线传感器网络由大量节点组成的无线感知探测网络,它的节点随机的部署在特定的环境下,通过自带的感知模块收集信息,并通过自身特定的路由将信息传送到汇聚节点。
Distributed architecture becomes the main direction for processor. 分布式体系结构成为处理器发展的主要趋势。